

Great! You have learned lots of great languages! You can build a website! But how do you deploy that website? How do we upload our website to Internet?

By the end of the program you will want a professional domain name. I purchased my domain name (codeadam.ca) from GoDaddy. And a hosting service (I use the Google Cloud). But for now, let’s deploy a website using a variety of free services.

For this task you will create a basic one page website using HTML and CSS with a few details about you:

You will then deploy this website to GitHub Pages and Infinity Free Hosting.


GitHub has a service called GitHub Pages. This allows you to turn any repo, branch, and folder into a live website. GitHub Pages is capable of hosting any frontend languages (Markdown, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React). It cannot host serverside languages (PHP, C#, Python) or a database (Mongo, MySQL).

GitHub Pages

By default a hosted repo will be available at https://<HUB_USERNAME>.github.io/<REPO_NAME>/. But you can also point a custom domain name to a repo. Here are some examples of my GitHub Pages hosted websites:

You can find out more about GitHub Page at

There are detailed instructions on deploying an HTML website using GitHub pages in my github-pages-deploy-html repo.

For this task you will create a repo named about-me and deploy a basic HTML and CSS one page website with details about you.

Infinity Free Hosting

There are many free hosting services available. But remember, you get what you pay for!

Infinity Free

I have had a good experience with Infinity Free Hosting and 000WebHost.

For this task you will create a free account with Infinity Free and upload your about-me website to Infinity Free.

There are details instruction in the Infinity Free support


To complete this task, follow these steps:

  1. Create a repo named about-me.
  2. Create basic README.md and .gitignore files for this repo,
  3. Clone this repo to your computer.
  4. Create a basic HTML webpage about you named index.html.
  5. Add details about you to the index.html page.
  6. Connect your HTML to a CSS file names styles.css and add a few basic styles.
  7. Add, commit, and push your updates to your repo.
  8. Using GitHub Pages make this webpage available at https://<HUB_USERNAME>.github.io/about-me/.

    Mine is available on GitHub Pages at

  9. Using Infinity Free Hosting make this page available at http://<SOMETHING>.epizy.com/about-me.

    Mine is available on Infinity Free at

About Me Example

Submitting this Task

Submit a link to your GitHub repo, your about me page hosted using GitHub pages, and your about me page hosted using Infinity Free to the Deployment assignment in Blackboard.

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