

Firebase, Inc. is a set of backend cloud computing services and application development platforms provided by Google.

Wikipedia (n.d.). Firebase. Retrieved March 15, 2024, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firebase


To complete this task, follow these steps:

  1. Register for a Google account (if you don’t already have one).
  2. Go to the Firebase website and create a project. Provide a project name, you don’t need analytics, and click Create Project.

    Create Project

  3. Click All Products on the left and choose Realtime Database.

    Realtime Database

  4. Click Create Database, the default location is fine, so click Next. Choose Start in test mode and click Enable. You database has now been created.

  5. In the Data tabs, add the following data:

    Comments Data

Note: The web interface for adding and editing data can take a little getting used to!

  1. Click the Rules tab and confirm that your rules are wide open:

    Firebase Realtime Database rules

Note: Do not leave your rules wide open once your project is ready to go live. These rules allow anyone to view and make changes to your Realtime Database.

  1. Using the Firebase Documentation and the firebase-realtime-database and firebase-sandbox, display the list of comments from the Realtime Database in an HTML document.

Submitting this Task

After you have completed your Firebase task, upload a screenshot or a working URL to the Firebase assignment in Blackboard.g

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