
Markdown Portfolio

Your portflio may be the most important asset when you start your internship and job hunt. I have attempted to set a good example and keep my portfolio quite current:


Along with my digital presence:

You will likely code a few portfolios while you are completing this program. This first one will be coded using only Markdown. It will give you a chance to focus on your portfolio content. Write short to-the-point content, create consistent high quality images, and collect your online digital assets.

Markdown Examples

Here are a few BrickMMO websites that use Markdown. These will give you an idea as to what is possible using Markdown. You can also view their public GitHub repos to view their code.


To complete this task, follow these steps:

  1. Create a repo for your Markdown Portfolio.
  2. Collect content for a home page (about), projects page, and contact page. At this point only use your online digial assets on the contact page (no phone number or email addess).
  3. Create a Markdown file in your repo for each page. Name the home page index.markdown.
  4. Link all the pages together.
  5. Deploy using GitHub Pages.

Submitting this Task

After you have completed your Markdown Portfolio submit your GitHub Pages URL in the Markdown Portfolio assignment in Blackboard.

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