
Profile README.md

For this task you will be creating a profile README.md file.

A profile README.md file allows you to share information about yourself with the community. GitHub will display your profile README.md at the top of your profile page.

I have created a basic example on My GitHub Page:

Profile README.md File

Another developer has curated a list of Awesome Profile README.md Examples

Checkout the GitHub Profile README page for more information.


To complete this task, follow these steps:

  1. Create a repo with a name that matches your GitHub username.
  2. Make sure the repo is public.
  3. In this repo, create a README.md in the root.
  4. Add some content to the README.md.

Consider adding a small bio, links to your social media websites, a link to your portfolio (if you have one), and information you want to provide to other developers.

Submitting this Task

Submit a link to your GitHub account to the Profile README.md assignment in Blackboard.

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