
Project Pitch

For this assignment you will choose your project topic and pitch the idea to the class.

The final project can either be a BrickMMO project or a Useless Website.

BrickMMO Project

In a group of one to three students you can work on one of the proposed projects or propose your own idea. Current proposed ideas include:

Useless Website

Or you can create a Useless Website as an individual. Try to come up with an idea that is quirky but somewhat related to the Web Development industry.

Here are a few Ideas I would like to see built:

If done correctly this can make a great portfolio piece. I would recommend aiming for something like one of the following Useless Websites:

From time to time I will deconstruct a website, here is a deconstruction of Koalas to the Max:
https://github.com/codeadamca/deconstruction-koalastothemax https://github.com/codeadamca/deconstruction-pointer https://github.com/codeadamca/deconstruction-jacksonpollock


To complete this task, follow these steps:

  1. Choose either a BrickMMO (groups) or Useless Website (individual) project.
  2. Brainstorm your idea.
  3. Complete a Pitch Document.

    Download the Pitch Document and replace the template content with information regarding your project.

    Write the pitch as if another group of programmers will be coding the project.

    Include the project purpose, stack, rough sketches, descriptions of front-end and back-end, and any API endpoints.

  4. Prepare a two minute presentation to present to the class. Include a short slidedeck. Include a description of your project, the stack you plan on using, any technical barriers, and some rough mockups of you plan.

Submitting this Task

Submit a PDF copy of your pitch and your slide deck to the Project Pitch assignment in Blackboard. You will also have two minutes to present your pitch to the class.

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